For me, not so much. You would think with all the unread books I have it would be pretty easy. Just pick one off of my shelf, right? There are times when I get lucky and that happens. Then there are days when even though I have PLENTY of unread books to choose from , I still end up buying a new book.
Currently, I have 12 books on my "to be read cart". All 12 of these books are on my 2020 reading list, but I still went to pick up a new book to read. In my defense, it is also on my reading list 🙂
So why buy a new book when you have plenty to read? Most people may have a favorite genre, but still enjoy reading books outside of that particular area. There are days when I'm up for a romance novel and there are days I need some self-help motivation. I just finished a mystery and it was horrible (I rated it 2 stars), but it put me in a mystery book mode. Checked my cart and nothing, but someone just recommended one that sounded really interesting. To the store I went.
As an author, and avid book lover since I was two, I prefer to own my books. Independent bookstores are a great way to expand your home collection at a reasonable cost. Libraries are always a great option for those who don't always want to purchase their next read.
The best way to choose your next book read is simple.... pickout something you are looking forward to reading. If not, reading becomes more of a chore than it is enjoyment. Yes, I could have picked one of the books on my cart. However, if I did, would I have truly enjoyed it since I already had another book in mind to read?
Don't feel guilty about not choosing an unread book from your current stash. There is no right or wrong way to choose what to read. As long as you are reading, you have already made the RIGHT choice.