"I love how Author Julia R. Davis develops one of her most invigorating characters - Raven from "I Love ME And My Big Hair!". I feel a part of Raven's journey and love seeing her growth." - Q. Pinckney, APR, mother of 4
"From pain to purpose and all the lessons in between. You will grow to appreciate Raven for the young woman she has become and the obstacles she had to overcome." - Nikashea Woodley, Parenting Advocate & Blogger
"An amazing story of a young girl's struggle dealing with loss and facing one of the biggest challenges young people have dealt with through the ages - learning to love oneself." - Wendy Turner, Secondary School Educator
"Be sure to check out the books and order for your children.. they are great and teach all about self love! The kids loved reading them!" - S. Corsey
"After reading "I Have Cancer And I Love Me! at the First Read Expo, I learned something about myself. I don't always think I'm handsome either." - 19 year old Anonymous
I Love Me And My BIG Hair! - "I love this book because it was Awesome." - Morgan W. (all girls book club)
I Love Me And My BIG Hair! - "I think this book was great because it teaches a great lesson of loving yourself just the way you are." - Kayla M. 8 years old (all girls book club)
I Love Me And My BIG Hair! - "This book was awesome because it showed all her hair." - Jadyn H. (all girls book club)
I Love Me And My BIG Hair! - "It was a lesson to love yourself." - Eboni S. (all girls book club)
I Love Me And My BIG Hair! - "I think this book was awesome because it is ok to be different." - Nia (all girls book club)
Ty'Asia's Book Report